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MiniSense 100振动传感器中英文产品介绍
来源:赛斯维传感器网 发表于 2014/6/28




  Applications: Detect either continuous or impulsive vibration or impacts

  Industries: Engine and Vehicle, Medical, Consumer Goods

  Description: The MiniSense 100 is a low cost cantilever-type vibration sensor loaded by a mass to offer high sensitivity at low frequencies. Pins are designed for easy installation and are solderable. Horizontal and vertical mounting options are offered. The active sensor area is shielded for improved RFI/EMI rejection. Rugged, flexible PVDF sensing element withstands high shock overload. Sensor has excellent linearity and dynamic range, and may be used for detecting either continuous vibration or impacts. The mass may be modified to obtain alternative frequency response and sensitivity selection (consult factory). The MiniSense 100 acts as a cantilever-beam accelerometer. When the beam is mounted horizontally, acceleration in the vertical plane creates bending in the beam, due to the inertia of the mass at the tip of the beam. Strain in the beam creates a piezoelectric response, which may be detected as a charge or voltage output across the electrodes of the sensor. The sensor may be used to detect either continuous or impulsive vibration or impacts. For excitation frequencies below the resonant frequency of the sensor, the device produces a linear output governed by the "baseline" sensitivity. The sensitivity at resonance is significantly higher. Impacts containing high frequency components will excite the resonance fre-quency, as shown in the plot above (response of MiniSense 100 to a single half-sine impulse at 100 Hz, of amplitude 0.9 g). The ability of the sensor to detect low frequency motion is strongly influenced by the external electrical circuit.


  Low cost
  Cantilever-type vibration sensor
  High sensitivity at low frequencies
  Active sensor area is shielded for improved RFI/EMI rejection
  Excellent linearity and dynamic range
  Rugged, flexible PVDF sensing element withstands high shock overload

  典型应用: 连续或脉冲振动或冲击检测

  行业: 发动机和机动车辆, 医疗, 消费电子和家用电器


  MiniSense 100是一款采用悬臂梁结构的低成本振动传感器,端部的质量块使得传感器在低频时产生高灵敏度。其插针结构易于安装和焊接,有水平安装,垂直安装和短插针可选。传感器的工作区域采用自屏蔽结构,防射频干扰和电磁干扰。柔性PVDF的一端固定,另一端悬空,使其能经受高频的冲击载荷。传感器有良好的线性度和动态测量范围,可以用来检测连续振动和冲击。可通过调整质量块的重量达到不同的频率响应和灵敏度(请与我们联系获取更多信息)。



  MiniSense 100振动传感器更多技术参数及规格书下载请浏览:http://www.sensorway.cn/sensors/341.html



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